Land O' Lakes District (LOL) of the Barbershop Harmony Society comprises all of North Dakota, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, and the western half of the Michigan Upper Peninsula, USA; and all of Manitoba and Saskatchewan, and the western half of Ontario, Canada. Within the LOL are 37 barbershop choruses or "chapters," and many more registered quartets. Choruses range in size from more than 50 people “on the risers” to as small as 10 people. Each chorus typically rehearses one night a week, having fun making great a cappella music in the barbershop style. Most chapters hold regular shows during the year, often sharing the stage with spectacular guest quartets.
Additionally, most choruses and quartets diligently refine their skills and compete annually at district contests. Our top choruses and quartets go on to compete at the annual International Competition and Convention held in a different city in North America, but always during the week of July 4th.
Each chapter also works within their community supporting youth music programs. Additionally, there are many leadership and educational opportunities within the district and the Society, including Leadership Academy, Youth Music Festivals and Harmony University.